Dedicated to nurturing Wellbeing

 Yoga Classes in Milltown and Castlemaine Co. Kerry


Welcome to Yoga with Angelika

It can be a bit daunting to find the right yoga class for oneself with all the different styles and traditions of yoga as well as different Teacher personalities. Everyone has a different need or desire as to why they may contemplate starting yoga and have certain preferences for how they would like to practice. We also go through different stages in our life and need different practices at different times. 

As a Teacher, I am well aware that my classes will not suit everyone, but I do know, from many years of experience, that the way I teach has benefitted many students over many years. 

I am practicing myself and continue to learn and explore. I love sharing my experiences. My classes combine practices from different classical yoga and mindfulness traditions, always centring around "how does that feel?". Nothing is forced or standardised. At all times, everyone is in control of what they are doing and encouraged to learn how to make informed choices about their own practice and what is good and beneficial. 

My classes aim to bring us back to a place where we can be calm enough to listen deeply to our body and mind, gaining confidence as well as the "know how" needed to nourish our own wellbeing.

Everyone is welcome. Nobody is either too new, too old, too stiff or too unhappy. You start from where you are right now, take it step by step and I will be privileged to help you on the way.

Yoga with Angelika

Breath Move Smile